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Interesting websites Organic production
Gastroteca Gastronomy and local food
UE European web for organic farming
NOP Organic farming in the USA
Prodeca Promoter of Catalan exports
IRTA Research and Agrifood Technology Institute
INCAVI Catalan Institute of Vine and Wine
ENAC National Entity of Accreditation



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History of CCPAE Print E-mail

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1994-2001: decentralized body of the Government of Catalonia

1994: CCPAE is created and launched as a decentralized body of the Department of Agriculture as the unique control authority of organic production in Catalonia. Ramon Lletjós takes the helm of the presidency of the Council until the first elections.

1997: The first elections for members of the Governing Board of CCPAE are held and the first president to be elected is Salomó Torres.

1999: CCPAE participates in the founding meeting of Intereco, an entity that brings together the public authorities for the control of organic production in Spain.

2000: at the end of the year, the Parliament of Catalonia creates by law the CCPAE as a public law corporation with its own legal personality, autonomy and full capacity to act.


2001-2014: public law corporation

2001: both the Decree on the composition and functions of the CCPAE and its Internal Regulations are approved. The creation of the entity involves an amount of registrations.

2002: the second elections to members of the Governing Board are held and Joan Font is elected as the President of the Board.

2005: The CCPAE obtains the accreditation according to the Standard UNE-EN-45011 (now Standard UNE-EN ISO / IEC 17065) for the certification of organic production. It is the first public control authority in the European Union to achieve this goal.

2005: The First Catalan Congress of Organic Agri-Food Production is held in Mollerussa and the White Paper is published as a tool for analysis and study of the organic sector in Catalonia.

2006: The third elections to members of the Governing Board are held. Daniel Valls becomes the president of the organization.

2008: The first Action Plan for Organic Agri-Food Production 2008-2012 of Generalitat de Catalunya is approved to promote the production and consumption of organic food.

2009: year in which the new European regulations begin to be applied (EC Regulation 834/2007, which replaces the one of 1991. CCPAE becomes a member of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements).

2010: In June, the fourth elections for members of the Governing Board are held. Daniel Valls is re-elected as the president.

2010: In July of this year, the new European logo of organic production ('eurofulla') is introduced on food labeling.

2012: After two years of transition, the new EU logo becomes mandatory for organic products certified according to the European regulations.

2014-2019: the financial autonomy of the CCPAE arrives, so does the celebration of 25 years

2014: The Parliament of Catalonia approves a new law that grants financial autonomy to CCPAE. The company becomes 100% self-sufficient in economic terms.

2014-2018: years of heated debate on future European organic production regulations, in which the CCPAE is present through IFOAM and EOCC.

2018: Finally, the European Union approves a new Regulation in 2018, which would initially apply from January 1st 2021, but was postponed to January 1st 2022.

2019: The fourth elections to members of the Governing Board are held. David Torrelles is elected as the new president of CCPAE, and currently continues to serve as such.

2019: CCPAE celebrates its 25th anniversary as the authority to control organic agricultural production in Catalonia.


2020-present days: pandemic, new regulations and digitization process of the company

2020: The pandemic arrives. CCPAE is preparing the transition to digitization, facilitating its online procedures. A change of location is made: from Avinguda Meridiana to Doctor Roux street, also in Barcelona.

2021: The whole digitization process is planned.

2022: The CCPAE begins to certify according to the new European regulations, applicable from January 1, 2022. It has adapted the entire quality system (forms, procedures, specifications and other documents) and has informed the operators of the changes approved and applicable regulations.

Important steps are being taken in the digitization process, with a new procedures platform and a new file manager.




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